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Welcome to PoSH Trainer your trusted partner in achieving and maintaining PoSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment) compliance. As a leading provider of comprehensive PoSH compliance solutions and associated services, we are dedicated to creating safe and inclusive workplaces for organizations of all sizes.

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We offer a range of services tailored to meet your specific needs, including policy development, training programs, complaint redressal mechanisms, and ongoing compliance monitoring.

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The session was simply outstanding. Each of the participants who attended have been reaching out to me and proactively providing the feedback. The practical examples you gave have been very well received. Also, I was fascinated by your story telling capability. I have already recommended you to multiple companies already

Arnabi Marjit Vice president Human Resources, Lupin Ltd

First of all, I would like to thank you for the wonderful session on PoSH and ICC. It was an enlightening session in the real sense. The case studies, you have shared with us during the session are an eye-opener for my entire team. The small details and technicalities which was discussed during the session in much detail will be of great help for the revision of policy and its implementation.

Dr. Rupannita Choudhary Hr Professional , Aarti Industries Ltd

Some of us truly know what we want to do in life. Shivani is one of them. Driven by her purpose to support the unprivileged, she puts her heart and soul in the field of Diversity and Inclusion.I appreciate her integrity and honesty towards her work.

Gaurav Rode GM Corporate HR, Ceat Tyres


The PoSH Act is mandatory for organizations employing 10 or more people, covering both private and government sectors.

No, the PoSH Act is not gender-neutral, only women can file complaints.

The PoSH Act primarily deals with sexual harassment cases at the workplace, but it doesn’t cover cases outside the employment context.

While the PoSH Act is crucial for addressing workplace harassment, some challenges include potential misuse, lack of awareness, and varying implementation across organizations. One of the major demerits is that the act is not gender neutral. Only women can file compliant under the PoSH Act.

A false case refers to an unjustified or fabricated complaint filed under the PoSH Act with malicious intent, potentially harming the reputation of an individual.

Organizations are responsible for implementing preventive measures, conducting awareness programs, setting up Internal Committees (ICs), and ensuring a safe workplace environment as per the PoSH Act.

Sexual harassment can manifest as verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct, including unwelcome advances, comments, gestures, requests for sexual favors, or any other unwarranted behavior creating a hostile work environment.

The PoSH Act defines sexual harassment as any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that interferes with work, creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

The PoSH Act primarily applies to employees and  extends its provisions to cover freelancers or contractors within their policies.

Organizations should conduct regular awareness programs, establish a complaint mechanism, constitute Internal Committees (ICs), and ensure a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment.

No, the PoSH Act mandates the filing of complaints with the Internal Committee (IC) formed within the organization. If the IC fails to address the issue, the complaint can then be escalated to local authorities.

Non-compliance with the PoSH Act may result in penalties, fine (upto Rs 50,000/-) , or even cancellation of business licenses for the organization. It is essential for companies to adhere to the guidelines outlined in the Act.

The PoSH Act recommends that complaints be resolved maximum within 90 days. However, the actual duration may vary based on the complexity of the case and the procedures followed by the Internal Committee (IC).

Yes, the PoSH Act holds employers vicariously liable for acts of sexual harassment committed by their employees, and employers can face legal consequences if they fail to address or prevent such incidents.

The PoSH Act emphasizes providing support to victims, including counseling, legal aid, and other necessary assistance. Organizations are required to establish a supportive framework for the affected individuals. 

The PoSH Act primarily focuses on workplace harassment, but it may extend to work-related events, conferences, or travel if they are linked to the employment context.

While the PoSH Act generally requires the victim to file a complaint, some organizations allow third-party complaints if the victim is unable to come forward due to fear or other constraints.

The IC is responsible for proving a safe working environment,receiving and addressing complaints, conducting investigations, recommending action, and ensuring a fair and unbiased resolution in accordance with the PoSH Act.

While the PoSH Act encourages complainants to disclose their identity for a thorough investigation, anonymous complaints are not accepted  under PoSH Act 2013.

No, the PoSH Act strictly prohibits retaliation against complainants. Any adverse action taken against an employee for filing a complaint is considered a violation of the Act and may lead to additional consequences for the employer.

The PoSH Act recommends regular awareness programs, and organizations typically conduct training sessions at least once a year to ensure employees are informed about their rights and responsibilities.

In addition to complying with the PoSH Act, organizations can promote a culture of respect, inclusion, and diversity, implement mentorship programs, and foster open communication to prevent and address issues proactively.

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